The purpose of developing IPv6 was to overcome certain limitations that IPv4 had. This new technology provides a large number of IP addresses. As such, IPv6 was able to meet the rising demand of users. However, shifting to this new protocol completely will take some time. Read on to learn how IPv6 is a better option than its predecessor.
IPv4 Vs IPv6: Understanding the Basics
Whether it is IPv4 or IPv6, both these protocols are important when it comes to communicating over a network. Let’s understand more about IPv4 and IPv6.
IPv4: What It Is?
IPv4 is a protocol developed to create, assign, and use IP addresses. This internet protocol uses 32-bit IP addresses. It means that IPv4 can support about 4.3 billion original IP addresses.
However, IPv4 is a 40-year-old technology. Back then, internet users were less compared to today’s world. Engineers did not know that millions of users would use the internet across several devices as we do these days. During the late 1990s, it became evident that IPv4 might fail to provide sufficient IP addresses to users globally. Besides, big corporations took millions of IPs soon after the launch of IPv4. Although most IP addresses remain unused, the big corporations did not return them to general users. Regular users were running short of IPs.
Pros of IPv4:
- Tested and reliable internet protocol
- Most websites supported IPv4 technology
- Users can remember the IP addresses easily
Cons of IPv4:
- Common challenges in managing larger subnets
- Shortage of IPv4 addresses
IPv6: What It Is?
During the 1990s, a new protocol called IPv6 was launched. This new technology introduced 128-bit numerical addresses. It provided around 340 undecillion unique IP addresses. The number is so massive that IPv4 is nowhere near in terms of comparison.
Pros of IPv4:
- IPv4 provided 340 undecillion IPs
- It comes with 128-bit technology
- Improved security than IPv4
- Subnet processes were simplified
- The protocol supported new devices
Cons of IPv6:
- The IP addresses are hard to remember as they are long
- Many websites do not support IPv6
- Difficult to configure
- Errors might occur during implementation
IPv4 Vs IPv6: Important Differences
One of the notable differences between IPv6 and IPv4 is their address length. When it comes to IPv4 vs IPv6, they have distinguishing characteristics. The differences are visible in areas such as overall performance, security features, and address pool.
Features of IPv4 and IPv6:
The biggest difference between these protocols is the address length. IPv4 is a 32-bit format whereas IPv6 is a 128-bit address format. Because of this feature, IPv6 can cater to the rising demand for internet-backed devices.
Apart from that, IPv6 is more efficient than IPv4 because of the built-in auto-configuration feature and simple packet headers. As such, there is no need for NAT or network address translation. Besides, IPv6 replaces broadcast communication with effective anycast and multicast transmissions.
Security for IPv4 and IPv6:
In terms of security, both IPv4 and IPv6 vary a lot. Typically, IPv6 comes with Internet Protocol Security or IPSec. This is the core feature of IPv6. It means that authentication mechanisms and end-to-end encryption are made available to users. Also, it allows internet service providers (ISPs) to safeguard users’ data when it goes through a network. Although IPv4 can implement the IPSec feature. But, it is not widely used and is an optional feature. That makes IPv6 more secure.
Moreover, IPv6 makes it difficult for cyber attackers to monitor and intercept networks. IPv4 works with limited IP addresses. So, hackers can locate vulnerable devices with ease. IPv6, on the other hand, comes with a massive number of IP addresses. Because of the gigantic pool size of IP addresses, even hackers could not implement automatic scanning, which is time-consuming.
IPv4 Vs IPv6: Benefits
The developers created IPv6 keeping in mind the limitations that IPv4 had. The IPv6 is the new protocol that meets the needs of future internet growth. The creators achieved that through the following.
- Extended address space
The most significant advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is its massive pool of IP addresses. The 340 undecillion addresses that IPv6 provides surpass those of IPv4 by a factor of 79 octillion. It means that IPv6 can meet the increasing number of devices connected to the internet. These include computers and smart devices as well. IPv6 does not have the limitations that IPv4 has.
- Simplistic network communications
The auto-configuration feature in IPv6 allows internet-connected devices to create individual IP addresses whenever they are on a network. Because of this, network administrators do not need to bother setting up Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. As such, the network communications become smoother even without DHCP.
- NAT not needed
As you know, IPv4 has a shortage of IP addresses. NAT or network address translation gives access to multiple devices on a specific network. It does so by sharing the same IP address. No wonder, NAT helps conserve IP addresses. But it adds a considerable amount of complexity to the internal communication process within the network. With IPv6, there is no need for NAT. The new protocol gives every device a unique IP address. As a result, it simplifies network setups and improves direct communication.
- Improved security
The security aspect is what makes IPv6 stand out from IPv4. Besides, the introduction of the IPsec feature made operations smooth after integrating it into the protocol. Because of IPsec, authentication and encryption became accessible.
- Effective data handling
With simplified packet headers, the IPv6 makes data handling and routing more efficient. It resulted in an improved network performance. Also, IPv6 has support for multicasting. Hence, it can handle single or multiple communication efficiently. In IPv4, data handling is not efficient.
Switching to IPv6 from IPv4:
Despite being superior in performance, IPv6 has not been completely adopted for many reasons. Here they are.
- Compatibility issues
Many old systems and devices are incompatible with IPv6 technology. They work with IPv4 without issues. Sometimes, it requires the installation of new software or hardware on these older devices to make them work with IPv6. This causes delays in switching to IPv6 from IPv4.
- Dual-stack configuration complexity
Many internet networks have support for both IPv6 and IPv4. They make sure for smoother communication during switching to the new protocol from the old one. There is no doubt that dual-stack configuration delivers compatibility. Still, there are difficulties when managing two protocols at the same time. Network administrators have to resolve issues on systems with two addresses.
- Unexplored technology
Many network administrators are not familiar with the new features and concepts that IPv6 offers. Although many IT professionals have expertise when dealing with IPv4, they have limited knowledge of IPv6. The knowledge gap slows down the implementation of IPv6. As it appears, the staff of an organization need extra training.
- Compatibility issues for software
Many software works wonders for IPv4. However, they might not fully work with IPv6. Developers need to make sure that the new protocol works great with both new and old software. Sometimes, it requires configuring applications or writing codes again and again.
- Security issues
Switching from IPv4 to IPv6 involves certain risks. As such, organizations and businesses need to configure their intruder detection systems, firewalls, and other security features to support the new protocol. If they fail to configure properly during the switching process, there could be consequences. The networks are left unpatched and hackers can easily exploit them.
- Lack of urgency
Many businesses and organizations do not prioritize the transition to IPv6. One good reason is that IPv4 is functional and widely used even now. Organizations and companies do not feel urgency because NAT is helping them extend the usability of IPv4. They feel less motivated to invest resources and time for a complete transition.
IPv6: Impact on Technology
IPv6 plays an important role in determining future technologies with the expansion of the internet. The improved features that IPv6 offers will impact everything from mobile to gaming networks. IPv6 offers improved security, scalability, and performance.
- IPv6 and gaming
Online gaming experience significantly improves thanks to the end-to-end, direct connection provided by IPv6 between players. Without NAT, there is no latency, and it results in a more responsive, smooth gameplay. Gaming platforms need not worry about increasing connected devices and players. The popularity of cloud-based and multiplayer games tends to increase these days because of IPv6.
- IPv6 and IoT
IPv6 is an integral part of the IoT or Internet of Things industry. The IoT depends on plenty of devices that communicate with each other. IPv6 gives each of these devices unique IP addresses. IPv6 ensures smooth communication among devices and large-scale support for IoT devices.
- IPv6 and VPNs
IPv6 improves the functionality of VPNs by securing connections. The massive number of IP addresses in IPv6 is a boon for VPN providers. They can offer users efficient routing. IPv6 reduces address conflicts, unlike IPv4.
- IPv6 and mobile networks/5G
IPv6 ensures the performance necessary for the growing telecom industry. With the growing number of mobile devices, IPv6 provides a unique IP address to each of them. This results in reduced latency and improved connection, which is essential for 5G networks. High-performance, fast connections that 5G provides fuels tech companies. They need faster connections for data processing in real-time, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality.
IPv4 Vs IPv6: Conclusion
There is no denying that IPv6 powers internet connectivity as of now. IPv4 emerged as a winner when the internet was new. With the increasing number of devices and the need for efficient, scalable, secure networks, IPv4 could no longer meet the demands. This is where IPv6 emerges as a superior protocol and a better choice.
Despite the advantages, switching to IPv6 from IPv4 is challenging. It involves security risks, complex legacy systems, etc. Still. The benefits that IPv6 delivers in the long run outweigh the challenges experienced during switching.
- What should I choose: IPv4 or IPv6?
First, evaluate your specific needs by considering important factors. If you have old systems or devices, IPv4 is the best choice. If you want your devices or systems to be future-ready, choose IPv6. Many applications and websites still support IPv4. Hence, you will not face compatibility issues. You can choose a dual-stack option as well. That way, you can manage compatibility while slowly adapting to the new protocol.
- Are there disadvantages of using IPv6?
The biggest downside of using IPv6 is that it does not support IPv4. Certain networks, systems, and devices need upgrades to implement IPv4. Now, that is going to be time-consuming and expensive. This is why network admins sometimes choose dual-stack configurations.
- Is it possible to use both IPv6 and IPv4?
You can use both IPv6 and IPv4. For that, you need to set up your network based on dual-stack configuration.